Students’ Use of Social Media in Higher Education in Ghana



Published Dec 13, 2013
Wilson Osafo Apeanti, Essel Daniel Danso


This study examined social media use among university students. An online survey was administered to a random sample of 311 sandwich students in the University of Education, Winneba in the 2012/13 academic year. The results revealed that majority of the students were aware of and use social media for a variety of reasons which included: connecting with old friends and family members, finding new friends, obtaining or sharing learning materials, receiving update of events, posting information and whiling away time. It was also found that students had concerns about joining or using social media which included concerns about personal privacy, limited computing skills, cost of Internet connectivity and time to use social media. The results of the study also indicated that students had positive views about the academic use of social media. Students believed that: it will be fun for their lecturers to use social media, their grades will be better if they could contact lecturers through social media and lecturers should hold some lecture hours on social media. 


Keywords: Social Media, Higher Education, Academic use of social media, Concerns about using social media

How to Cite

Students’ Use of Social Media in Higher Education in Ghana. (2013). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 3(1).
Abstract 302 |


Conference Paper

How to Cite

Students’ Use of Social Media in Higher Education in Ghana. (2013). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 3(1).