Design of an Eletronic Medical Record for the Sickle Cell Clinic Korle-Bu
In this project an Electronic Medical Record(EMR) was developed for the Korle- Bu Teaching Hospital Sickle Cell Clinic. Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a group of serious inherited genetic disorders. The chronic and life threatening nature of genetic diseases such as SCD requires that quality of care and efficiency is achieved for the benefit of the patient and caregiver. The purpose for developing and EMR was to realize better quality of care, a more efficient method of record management, report generation and access to data for research purposes after deployment of the system. The result of this project is a stand-alone EMR system which is scalable to a networked EMR system version. Users are able to capture, store, retrieve and display data. Reports such as monthly summaries can be generated. Queries based on stored data can be issued to find interesting patterns of information.                              Â
Keywords- Sickle Cell Disease; Electronic Medical Record; Electronic Health Record; IT; Database; Software
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