On A Continued Fraction Identity From Ramanujan’s Notebook



Published Jan 26, 2014
S.N. Fathima, Yudhisthira Jamudulia


In this paper, we study a continued fraction of Ramanujan A (q).We establish an integral representation of A (q) and prove its modular identities. We also compute explicit evaluation of this continued fraction.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11A55.

Keywords: Continued Fractions, Modular Equations.

How to Cite

On A Continued Fraction Identity From Ramanujan’s Notebook. (2014). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 3(1). http://informaciontechnologica.com/index.php/ajcem/article/view/599
Abstract 164 | PDF Downloads 174



How to Cite

On A Continued Fraction Identity From Ramanujan’s Notebook. (2014). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 3(1). http://informaciontechnologica.com/index.php/ajcem/article/view/599