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Join is a means for combining fields from two tables by using values common to each. Join operation is considered as one of the fundamental operations of relational databases and it is also difficult operation to efficiently implement. The testing of the effectiveness of join algorithms is proposed. In joint operation between relations it is required to use those algorithms which take less time to process the join query efficiently in the database system. There are many algorithms are proposed previously for performing join operation. Nested-loop join algorithm is considered as one of the simplest algorithm of join where for each record of the first table the entire records of the second table has to be scanned. This process is repeated for each and every record of the first table that is for all the first table records. The execution time is calculated. In this paper Dynamic Range Nested loop Join algorithm (DRNJ) is proposed where the inner relation is going to be blocked using some dynamic range values. Based on the dynamic range values blocks are being formed. Now this block is considered as inner relation and other table is outer relation and the same nested loop join algorithm is performed and the execution time is calculated. Comparison is made between the two algorithms based on the execution time so that the effectiveness of join algorithms is proposed.
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