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All organizations intend to pile up their knowledge repository by way of improving their learning capabilities to desired extent. Improvement of insight and pragmatic realization of workface of an organization are the characteristics of organizational learning whereas a learning organization always tries to create, acquire, interpret, and transfer knowledge for the overall improvement of the organization. All organizations regardless of their dimensions and irrespective of their diversified works always focus their attention to brass up their knowledge repository. Through discussions in the light of organizational learning and learning organization it has been made clear in this paper how with conscious attitude and how with sharp reaction to situation an individual can learn and how through interaction or through facing problems and solving those the learning adoptability of an individual increases. In this paper discussions have been made regarding acquiring of learning in the perspective of learning curves. Slope of the learning curve gives rate of learning which depends on structure of an organization, strategy an organization adopts, environmental scenario of an organization, technologies used by an organization etc. Detail discussions on these scores have been made in this paper. It has been discussed in this paper through proficiency-time curve analysis and through productivity-time curve analysis how through improvement of some salient qualities like quicker data availability, right choices of software and hardware platform, proper motivation, best utilization of time etc. an organization can be more efficient and how improvement of skill, proper commitment, appropriate prioritization, congenial strategy adaptation capabilities help one organization to reduce the time for reaching a point termed as threshold point wherefrom the organization can accelerate its output appreciably. It has been discussed in this paper that by improvement of different qualities and with passage of time an organization can go on enhancing its knowledge repository to an unlimited extent. Again accumulation of infinite knowledge is a paradoxical conception but that becomes a fact in the theoretical point of view. A question mark has been, as such, put as to how to utilize such infinite treasure of knowledge? This has been brought to the light because many organizations strive to keep knowledge assets which are obsolete and back dated and are not needed. Even possession of such huge assets creates problem for extorting actual and needed knowledge from such infinite knowledge treasure. Still it is a paradox why all organizations run after amazing such huge assets though not needed to the organization?
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