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Super cyclone prediction is very much essential for human activities and to reduce the construction cost in marine research environment. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network of distributed autonomous nodes that can sense or monitor physical or environmental conditions. WSNs are used in various applications such as environmental monitoring, prediction and detection of natural calamities, medical monitoring and structural health monitoring. WSN is one of the research areas in the information world. Which provide platform to researcher with the capability of developing real-time monitoring system. This paper discusses the development of a WSN to detect super cyclone, which includes the design, development and implementation of a WSN for real time monitoring, the development of the artificial neural network system needed that will enable efficient data collection and data aggregation, and the network requirements of the deployed super cyclone detection system. The actual deployment of Paradeep port (Latitude: 20° 16' 60 N, Longitude: 86° 42' 0 E) north east coast of India, a region well-known for deals with bulk cargo apart from other clean cargoes. Government of India declared Paradeep as the Eighth Major Port of India on 18th April 1966 making it the First Major Port in the East Coast commissioned after independence.
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