An Experimental Investigation on Hair Fibre as Fibre Reinforcement in Concrete



Published May 13, 2019
Mohammad Oveas Gagan Deep Singh


Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC) can give us the ample, practical as well as parsimonious technique for defeating cracking in the concrete and comparable kind of inadequacies. The concrete is frail in tension so a few stages must be taken to be received to conquer this insufficiency. The strength of Human Hair fibre is more in tension consequently may be utilized very finely as a fibrous stuff in concrete to furnish it with the rigidity which it needs. Hair Fibre (HF) a substitute non-biodegradable material is accessible in plenitude and at an exceptionally modest expense. It likewise makes ecological issues for its decay, present examination has been embraced to ponder its impact on plain cement concrete taking the following into account;flexural strength, crushing strength, compressive strength and micro-cracking control for making the cement concrete more financial and also to lessen natural issues.

How to Cite

An Experimental Investigation on Hair Fibre as Fibre Reinforcement in Concrete . (2019). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 8(5), 1-8.
Abstract 742 | pdf Downloads 635



How to Cite

An Experimental Investigation on Hair Fibre as Fibre Reinforcement in Concrete . (2019). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 8(5), 1-8.