Trends and perspectives of Indian wood based panels



Published Apr 9, 2016
Upadhyay V.K.


The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the production, export and import of Indian wood based panels for the period of 24 years. From the year 1990-2013, the total world wood based panel production has come 71.4% from 10 countries, in which China has contributed 1069 million m3 (21.47%) and USA 937.2 million m3 (18.83%) with first and second position in the world. Whereas India has produced 39.14 million m3 wood based panels accounting to 0.79% of the global share. The current scenario shows that production of Indian wood-based panel is 3.39 million m3 in 2013. India has increased with compound annual growth rate (CAGR) 10.52% in production of wood based panels. The CAGR on import of wood based panels during 1990-2013 was 24.54% whereas Export was 9.66%.The statistical parameters such as descriptive analysis, trends and regression analysis have been computed to understand the behavior of wood based panels.

How to Cite

Trends and perspectives of Indian wood based panels. (2016). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 5(2), 35-40.
Abstract 142 | PDF Downloads 135



How to Cite

Trends and perspectives of Indian wood based panels. (2016). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 5(2), 35-40.