Degree Equitable Connected Domination in Fuzzy Graphs



Published Jun 26, 2015
K.M. Dharmalingam M. Rani


Let  be a fuzzy graph. Let  and  be two vertices of . A fuzzy connected dominating set  is to be a fuzzy equitable connected dominating set if for every  there exists a vertex  such that  and  where  denotes degree of vertex  and  denotes the degree of vertex  and . The minimum cardinality of fuzzy equitable connected domination set is denoted by . In this paper we introduce the concept of fuzzy equitable connected dominating set. Also we obtain some interesting results for this new parameter in equitable connected domination in fuzzy graphs.

How to Cite

Degree Equitable Connected Domination in Fuzzy Graphs. (2015). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 4(3), 37-39.
Abstract 140 | PDF Downloads 125



How to Cite

Degree Equitable Connected Domination in Fuzzy Graphs. (2015). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 4(3), 37-39.