Composition Operator Preceeding By Differentiation From Weighted Bergman Nevanlinna Spaces To Zygmund Spaces



Published Jul 7, 2014
Pawan Kumar, Renu Chugh, Jagjeet


Let ɸ be an analytic map on the open unit disk D in the complex plane such that ɸ (D)⊂ D. The composition operator DCɸ : is deï¬ned by

DCɸ (f)=(foɸ) ′

In this paper, the boundedness and compactness of the composition op­erator DCɸ from the weighted Bergman Nevanlinna spaces to Zygmund spaces are  investigated.

Subject Classiï¬cation: Primary 47B33,46E10; secondary 30D55

How to Cite

Composition Operator Preceeding By Differentiation From Weighted Bergman Nevanlinna Spaces To Zygmund Spaces. (2014). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 3(4), 42-47.
Abstract 163 | PDF Downloads 139



How to Cite

Composition Operator Preceeding By Differentiation From Weighted Bergman Nevanlinna Spaces To Zygmund Spaces. (2014). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 3(4), 42-47.