About the Journal

Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques have been attracted increasing attention around the world and are now being widely used to solve a whole range of hitherto intractable problems. This journal welcomes foundational and applied papers describing mature work involving AI methods.

Focal points of the journal include, but are not limited to innovative applications of:

 Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy
 Machine learning
 Natural language processing
 Aspects of reasoning: abductive, case-based, model-based, non-monotonic, incomplete, progressive and approximate reasoning
 Knowledge processing, knowledge elicitation and acquisition, knowledge representation, knowledge compaction, knowledge bases, expert systems
 Neural networks, fuzzy systems, neuro-fuzzy systems
 Deep learning and real world applications
 Perception, e.g. image processing, pattern recognition, vision systems, tactile systems, speech recognition and synthesis
 Heuristic search
 Intelligent fault detection, fault analysis, diagnostics and monitoring
 Self-organizing, emerging or bio-inspired system
 Big data analytics, Understanding complex networks, Internet-of-things and cyber-physical systems, Intelligent transportation systems and smart vehicles
 Cognitive aspects of AI

The journal of Artificial Intelligence reports results achieved; proposals for new ways of looking at AI problems must include demonstrations of effectiveness. Papers describing systems or architectures integrating multiple technologies are welcomed. Journal of Artificial Intelligence (JAI) also invites papers on applications, which should describe a principled solution, emphasize its novelty, and present an in-depth evaluation of the AI techniques being exploited.

Current Issue

Published: 2024-02-01