Virtual Base Class, Overloading and Overriding Design Pattern in Object Oriented Programming With C++

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Published Jul 28, 2017
Ashok Vijaysinh Solanki


The objective of this research paper is to discuss prime concept of inheritance in object oriented programming. Inheritance play major role in design pattern of modern programming concept. In this research paper I explained about inheritance and reusability concepts of oops. Since object oriented concepts has been introduced in modern days technology it will be assist to creation of reusable software. Inheritance and polymorphism play vital role for code reusability. OOPs have evolved to improve the quality of the programs. I also discuss about the relationship between function overloading, operator overloading and run-time polymorphism. Key focus of this research paper is to discuss new approach of inheritance mechanism which helps to solve encapsulation issues.  Through virtual base class concept we explore the relationship and setup connection between code reusability and inheritance.  Paper explained virtual base class, early binding and late binding concepts using coding demonstration.
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