Complete Syncronization and Anti Syncronization of A Planner Magnetic Binaries Problem When One Primary Is Ellipsoid



Published Apr 8, 2016
Mohd Arif


In this article we have investigated the complete synchronization and anti  synchronization behavior of the planar magnetic-binaries problem by taking into consideration the one primary  is ellipsoid evolving from deferent initial conditions using active control technique based on the Lyapunov-stability theory and Routh-Hurwitz criteria. Numerical simulations are  performed to  plot  time  series  analysis  graphs  of the  master system  and  the  slave  system  which  further illustrate the effectiveness of the  proposed  control  techniques.

How to Cite

Complete Syncronization and Anti Syncronization of A Planner Magnetic Binaries Problem When One Primary Is Ellipsoid. (2016). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 5(2), 25-34.
Abstract 289 | PDF Downloads 116



How to Cite

Complete Syncronization and Anti Syncronization of A Planner Magnetic Binaries Problem When One Primary Is Ellipsoid. (2016). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 5(2), 25-34.