On Characterization Of Continuous Distributions Conditioned On A Pair Of Non-Adjacent Generalized Order Statistics



Published Dec 1, 2016
M.J.S, khan


In this paper, a generalized family of continuous distributions has been characterized through the difference of power of two generalized order statistics (gos) conditioned on a pair of two non-adjacent gos. The parallel result for records is also deduced. Further these results contain the characterization of continuous distributions conditioned on a pair of non-adjacent order statistics, progressive type II censoring and of sequential order statistics.

How to Cite

On Characterization Of Continuous Distributions Conditioned On A Pair Of Non-Adjacent Generalized Order Statistics. (2016). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 5(6), 104-109. https://doi.org/10.15520/ajcem.2016.vol5.iss6.66.pp104-109.
Abstract 166 | PDF Downloads 117



How to Cite

On Characterization Of Continuous Distributions Conditioned On A Pair Of Non-Adjacent Generalized Order Statistics. (2016). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 5(6), 104-109. https://doi.org/10.15520/ajcem.2016.vol5.iss6.66.pp104-109.