Adjacent Vertex Distinguishing Total Coloring Of Corona Graphs



Published Mar 7, 2015
S. Sudha K.Manikandan


An adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring of a graph  is a proper total coloring of  such that any pair of adjacent vertices have different color sets. The minimum number of colors needed for such an adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring of  is its chromatic number and is denoted by In this paper, we have obtained the chromatic number of adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring(AVDTC) of the following corona graphs:

(i)                  (path,  by path,  )

(ii)                (cycle,  by cycle, )

(iii)              (complete graph,  by complete graph, )

(iv)               (path,  by cycle, )

(v)                 (cycle,  by path, )

(vi)               (complete graph,  by path, )

(vii)             (complete graph,  by cycle, )

 AMS Subject Classification: 05C15

How to Cite

Adjacent Vertex Distinguishing Total Coloring Of Corona Graphs. (2015). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 4(1), 8-19.
Abstract 219 | PDF Downloads 150



How to Cite

Adjacent Vertex Distinguishing Total Coloring Of Corona Graphs. (2015). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 4(1), 8-19.