Relation Between Complete Graph And Its Closure Of A Graph



Published Jan 7, 2015
S Venu Madava Sarma


In 1856, Hamiltonian introduced the Hamiltonian Graph where a Graph which is covered all the vertices without repetition and end with starting vertex. In this paper I would like to prove that Every Complete Graph ‘G’ is Hamiltonian then its Closure of Graph is also Hamiltonian.


Key words : Graph, Euler Graph, Hamiltonian graph, Complete Graph, Closure of a Graph.

How to Cite

Relation Between Complete Graph And Its Closure Of A Graph. (2015). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 3(6), 79-81.
Abstract 137 | PDF Downloads 244



How to Cite

Relation Between Complete Graph And Its Closure Of A Graph. (2015). Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths, 3(6), 79-81.